Executive Coaching
We use an action-coaching approach designed to accelerate the performance of key leaders. Often we start with an assessment process and stakeholder interviews/observation. We then identify priority developmental and business objectives. We align development goals with the individual’s sponsor/manager and provide ongoing executive coaching to achieve the agreed outcomes.
Credibility, Influence & Impact
Often our executive coaching work is enhanced by in-depth experiential learning and immersion with a cohort of other senior executives. Our proprietary CII program includes 3 onsite workshops based in Colorado, one-on-one coaching over the course of the program, deep interaction with other senior leaders, and a practical business project for immediate and measurable results.
Trusted Advisors for Urgent Support
For many senior executives, we become trusted advisors for urgent support in critical moments. Via phone and face-to-face meetings, we facilitate the connections to help you align executive team members and navigate challenging times successfully.
Coaching@ - An Internal Coaching Development Program
Coaching@ is an internal coaching program and a cost-effective solution that combines the best of our standard and customized approaches. We train senior leaders in coaching practices, teaching them how to train and support other managers, and how to practice and measure the coaching program long-term.
Assessment Tools
We are experts in implementing a wide range of popular assessment tools, including our own proprietary assessment.
MBTI, ECHO, Hogan, etc.We are certified experts in the most respected and established assessment tools in the industry including Hogan, LSI, OCI, Hermann Brain Dominance, The Leadership Circle suite, DiSC, and others. We can also help you develop your own custom tool.
Proprietary DecisionStyles Assessment
Great leaders learn to recognize the pros and cons associated with their own decision-making style and how they work with the styles of others. By understanding the Decision Profile for your team, you can help ensure that everyone’s perspective is heard when important decisions must be made. Improve the decisions in your team.