Conversation Meter

Too often, people operate as though the only two choices in a conversation are speaking up, or staying silent. We believe that the best conversations are both fact-based and purpose-driven and that people can learn to effectively raise and resolve issues in a way that they can be heard and generate value.

We developed the Conversation Meter to help people diagnose when conversations are on- or off-track, predict likely outcomes if the conversation continues as it is, and prescribe potential new and beneficial responses to improve outcomes.


Moving up the Conversation Meter

When we work with people to improve their communication, we ask them to embrace the “catch and correct” game. That is, to notice when they’re below 50 on the meter, to take a breath, and ask a question that will allow you to move up to the next level. Download this resource that will help you improve the quality of your questions and help you move up the meter.


Prepare for a Challenging Conversation

Use the Conversation Prep Chart to help you understand what matters to key stakeholders and prepare for important conversations. Take a moment to think through the purposes, concerns and circumstances of the other people involved in the necessary conversation. Work to focus on purpose and how you can find an intersection.
