Engagements and Workshops

Our client partnerships begin with asking, “what is it time for now?" We co-design an approach to address the specific needs of your team, incorporating opportunities to work with the real-world challenges they face every day. All of our work is designed engage reason, emotion, and action to create deeply human experiences that accelerate and prolong results. The services listed below are a few examples of the methods we use to meet our clients' goals.

"My Conversant experience was life-changing. I have an approach as well as concrete tools to help uncover challenges, align people and teams, and identify critical moments for adjustments in our work."

Laura Hubbard

Rocky Mountain Division Director, TNC & CII Participant


Connected Intelligence

When systems have grown complex over time, it is often necessary to identify critical leverage points to move strategy forward. Our system mapping process allows everyone to see how the system functions and reveals the 3-5 crucial priorities for success. When everyone has the same understanding of opportunities and risks there is improvement in aligned, coordinated organizational transformation.

Search Conferences

Using our principles for human connection and search conference methodology we help large, disconnected groups develop common ground on which to stand. Participants recognize their role as members of the community or organization and, together, learn from the past, understand current realities, and align on steps for a positive future.

Strategy Story Workshops

We work with crucial representatives of the enterprise and reveal a precise and powerful purpose that energizes alignment. Our strategy story process turns dry information into a purpose-driven, emotionally compelling explanation of who you are, what you value, and how you will succeed together.
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Executive Alignment, Strategic Planning, and Crisis Prevention

We work with leadership and mission-critical teams to design priorities, roles, and decision-making protocols that build trust and energize the organization. We facilitate challenging conversations and support important connections to help you navigate critical times successfully.

Cross-boundary Collaborations

Mission-critical goals often require alignment of leadership and key stakeholders across multiple teams, departments, or organizations. These multi-day workshops introduce a common framework for listening authentically, building on ideas, and finding intersections. We design sessions that move collaboration confidently forward to produce decisions that stick, accelerate results, and realize organizational transformation.

Leverage-Point Projects

For high-stakes projects, we design rapid cycles of surprising, measurable results. Along with the people crucial to the project's success, we co-create a plan for collaboration that involves deep alignment, fast action, and quick adjustment. These cycles of valuable achievement allow for rapid learning and experimentation while building team connection and confidence.


Leaders often come to us with critical areas for improvement, such as innovation, organizational transformation, employee engagement, and strategic agility. To inspire new thinking, we find other organizations that have been successful in those areas and create a succession of experiences for your teams to immerse themselves in a new but relevant context. We then help translate these experiences into tangible, practical application inside your own organization.

Performance Conversations

The majority of people want to make a meaningful difference, and yet normal performance conversations tend to make things worse, not better. We help leaders apply the principles of fact-based, purpose-driven conversations to build trust, promote honesty, and create solutions. The result: happier, self-generating colleagues making a meaningful impact with little supervision.
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Accelerated Development Conferences & Events

Annual meetings and development events are considerable investments. Using innovative large-group learning techniques, we design and deliver experiences that create deep alignment, rapidly build new capabilities and connect leaders into a cohesive community that is driven by a common purpose.

High Potential Development

Built on the principles of Connected Leadership ™, leaders embrace a variety of business issues relevant to the strategy of the organization. We bring together experts from around the world to create frame-breaking perspectives for participants. This 9-12 month, multi-experiential approach is tied together with assessments and coaching to simultaneously develop personal and strategic leadership capability.
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Intact Team Development

We work with intact teams to enhance their ability to execute strategy, collaborate more effectively with one another, and engage more broadly with the organization at large. Just-in-time learning is used to equip team members with the skills, knowledge, and insights required to accelerate performance and collective impact. Teams use rapid cycles of value as a method for achieving results and supporting organizational transformation.
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