
February 16, 2023

What Rope Are You Tangled In?

At the end of last year, I had the privilege of going through a 360 leadership review process.  I was truly humbled by what the team […]
February 7, 2023

The Design of Magic in Team Building: Credibility, Influence & Impact

In 2022 I had the privilege to be a participant in Conversant’s generative leadership program, Credibility, Influence and Impact. About once a year we have the […]
December 29, 2022

You Can Have It All But Maybe Not All At Once: The Practice of Balance

The holiday season is a time of year filled with polarities. On one hand, it can bring immense joy, and on the other it can bring […]
December 27, 2022

Questions that Accelerate Curiosity and Diffuse Self-Defense

During the holiday seasons, we potentially re-enter the seasoned pattern of mindsets that accompany family gatherings. When you think about family gatherings around the holidays, notice […]
October 27, 2022

Why the Four-Day Work Week Isn’t the Answer to Stress & Burnout

You may have heard about the four-day workweek experiment that’s been happening across the UK this year. While the four-day workweek isn’t a brand-new idea, this […]
September 14, 2022

Collaborating through Stress, Uncertainty, & Complex Challenges | On Connection

Most organizations in the world are experiencing dynamic change and facing uncertain futures. At the same time, their people are stressed, overwhelmed, and facing dynamic change […]