Bill Boyar, founding partner of the Houston law firm BoyarMiller, joined Gretchen Gagel on the Greatness Podcast to share the difference it makes when an organization chooses to be driven by values and authenticity rather than the P&L alone.
Bill had built a successful and widely recognized law firm in the 1980s, but after a decade he recognized the mistakes in growing that organization that caused it to ultimately feel like a firm that "had no soul." In 1990 he chose to start over, leaving that firm to found another where growing and making money would be an outcome of their work, not the firm's purpose.
Early on he brought in Conversant to help identify the core values of BoyarMiller that would best describe how they choose to behave - with one another, with clients, and even with their competitors. These values have served as a stable foundation for building a purpose-driven organization and a solid culture for the past three decades. Above all, Bill talks about the power of authentic conversations to build transparency, curiosity, and ultimately, success.
You can find this and all past episodes of Gretchen’s Greatness Podcast online here, or through Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more.